Molly Ware, Ph.D.

Associate Professor



PhD/MEd Science Education from The University of Georgia & BS in Biology with minor in Spanish from Principia College

Courses Taught

  • EDUC 412: Seminar in Educational Equity
  • INTL 437H (Kenya/Rwanda: Field Studies & Collaborative International Service-Learning)
  • SEC 430: Secondary School Methods I
  • SEC 431: Secondary School Methods II
  • SEC 432: Secondary Schools Methods III
  • SEC 444: Teaching & Learning with Technology
  • SEC 450: Introduction to Middle Schools
  • SEC 452: Intensive Middle School Practicum
  • SEC 495: University Intern Coordinator for Secondary Internship
  • SEC 510: Teacher as Communicator
  • SEC 531: Teaching Adolescents
  • SEC 532: Curriculum & Instruction in Secondary Schools
  • SEC 533: Assessment & Professional Development in Secondary Schools
  • SEC 534: Management, Motivation, & Discipline
  • SCED 491: Secondary Education for Science Teachers

Research Interests

Ecologically Transformative Education: How can our work as educators contribute to the flourishing of all life? 

  • (in press). Practicing finding the spaces available within the educational situation—An essay review of John Dewey and Education Outdoors: Making Sense of the ‘Educational Situation’ through more than a Century of Progressive ReformCultural Studies in Science Education.
  • (under review). . Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education.
  • (2014). editedchapter8noimages.pdf. In V. Lea (Ed.) Constructing critical consciousness: Narratives that unmask hegemony and ideas for creating greater equity in education (Ch. 8), pp. 141-171. Peter Lang. 
  • (2013). The shape of our bodies and health: Deconstructing the Panopticon of separation towards an empowered dance through the worldCultural Studies in Science Education 8(1), 215-236.
  • (2013). Assessing for interdependent responsibility. In M. Mueller, D.J. Tippins, & A.J. Stewart (Eds.) Assessing Schools for Generation R (Responsibility): A guide to legislation and school policy in science education with Rosalie Romano.
  • (2012). Open letter to the author book review of The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the 21st Century by Grace Lee Boggs with Scott Kurashige in the Journal of Educational Controversy.
  • (2012). Teaching for transformation: Curriculum & pedagogy of connection. Presentation for visiting Chilean scholars in connection with WWU International Studies.
  • (2012). Video book dialogue reviewing Reclaiming Education for Democracy in the Journal of Educational Controversy with Rosalie Romano & Vale Hartley.
  • (2012). Occupy Wall Street - Occupy your heart: A new paradigm approach to transformation - Grace Lee Boggs' model for the 'Next American Revolution.' Whatcom Human Rights Task Force Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Conference with Maria Cortes-Zamora, Stan Goto, Carol Follett, Erin Haliburton, & Rosalie Romano.
  • (2011). Necessary tensions within present possibilities: Case studies seeing and envisioning sustainability teaching and learning. With Rosalie Romano, Victor Nolet & Wendy Church in R. Oxford & J. Lin (Eds.), Transformative eco-education for human and planetary survival.
  • (2010). Assessing for living and "thinking like an ecosystem": Students as solution makers. The Teaching for a Positive Future Sustainability Summer Education Institute. 
  • (2010). "Leveling the playing field": How integrating the field made space for diverse ways of being and seeing in teacher education. Critical friends roundtable session facilitated at 2010 PESB/Higher Education Assessment (and Standard V) Conference with Rosalie Romano.
  • (2010). Becoming aware of the challenges of helping students learn: An examination of the nature of learning during a service-learning experience. Teacher Education Quarterly, 37(1), 155-170.
  • (2010). Diversity responsive curricular innovations. Presentation for visiting Chilean scholars in connection with WWU International Studies.
  • (2009). Preservice teachers' negotiation of middle grades science teaching identity. Award presentation to the Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
  • (2009). Becoming the teacher you 'want to be': Using tools of agency in negotiating teaching identity. Paper presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) - Division K.
  • (2008). Textual encounters of three kinds: Engaging in reading through community astronomy night. The Reading Teacher, 62(1), 54-63. (contributing author with Johnson, A.S., Rezak, A.T., Hodges, G., Tippins, D., & Bongkotphet, T.).
  • (2007). Students as scientists: Standards-based and student appropriate instruction. Middle School Journal, 38(4), 30-37.