Cory Mathieu, PhD

she/her, Assistant Professor



Earlham College, B.A. (Comparative Languages and Linguistics)

University of Minnesota, M.A. (Curriculum and Instruction, Second Language Education)

University of Minnesota, Certificate in Dual Language Education

University of Minnesota, Ph.D. (Curriculum and Instruction, Second Language Education)


I teach a variety of courses in the ELL/Bilingual Education Endorsement Programs, including: 

MLE 441 - Language, Culture, and Equity: From Global to Local

MLE 445 - Methods for Teaching Developing, Expanding, and Bridging Multilingual Learners


My research focuses on content and language integration in secondary dual language education. In particular, I study how to best prepare teachers to integrate content instruction and language instruction, including how to develop the knowledge and skills that are necessary for this complicated pedagogical work. I also examine how instructional materials can be better designed to support teachers in integrating language and content instruction while they are teaching. I predominantly use qualitative research methods, including design-based research. 

Selected Publications: 

Tedick, D.J., & Mathieu, C.S. (2024). Using a rubric as a mediational tool to assess preservice immersion teacher development: A case study. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education.

Mathieu, C.S. (2024). Redesigning materials for content and language integration: A materials perspective to secondary dual language and immersion teacher professional development. In S. Ballinger, R. Fielding, & D.J. Tedick (Eds), Teacher development for content-based language education: International perspectives (pp. 306-328). Multilingual Matters. 

Gopalakrishnan, A., Mathieu, C.S., LaScotte, D. (2024). Investigating mixed methods research in applied linguistics: Methodological avoidance and possible barriers in the field. Studies in Applied Linguistics and TESOL, 24(1), 1-20. 

Mathieu, C.S (2022). Spanish immersion materials and the secondary classroom ecology. In D. LaScotte, C.S Mathieu, & S. David (Eds.), New perspectives on materials mediation in language teaching and learning. (pp. 1-16). Springer

Mathieu, C.S (2021). iPads and interaction: A materials perspective on collaborative discourse in secondary Spanish Immersion. Classroom Discourse, 12(1-2), 146-167.