British Columbia Programs

In British Columbia, we offer both the Doctor of Education Leadership and a Master of Education Leadership with cohorts admitted Fall quarter each year

For Students in British Columbia

The EdD program is comprised of two parts: 

  • Part 1: System leadership coursework (32 quarter credits) related to system transformation and anchored in the Spirit of Leadership Competencies). Students who have successfully completed TELP will be granted 8 credits. 

  • Part 2: 30 additional credits of coursework, 10 credit research sequence, and 15 credit dissertation. 


The Ed.D. program is specifically designed to support system leadership grounded in BC’s provincial curriculum, which is dedicated to equitably developing global competencies in each child. In service of this aspiration the program is guided by the BC School Superintendent’s Association competencies for system leadership, the Spirit of Leadership.  

The program is guided by the idea that system leaders must nurture powerful learning and must foster a future in which children feel confident and secure not only in their identity, but in their relationships with others and with the environment. In other words, system leaders have a responsibility to help enact a more just and sustainable society (Spirit of Leadership, 2022). 


Kevin Godden, Ed.D


Program Advisor, British Columbia


Master's in Education Program Information

The MEd program is designed to prepare Elementary & Secondary school teachers to assume leadership roles.  Candidates receive a master’s degree. 

  • Cohort based models 

  • Program offered remotely with face-to-face opportunities 

  • 15 Month M.Ed. Program (five continuous university quarters) 

  • Meets TQS Requirements for Category 6 

  • Local BC Faculty (Senior leadership and current/retired administrators across multiple school districts in BC)   

  • Canadian Educational Content 

  • Priced Competitively 


Duane Penner, Ed.D. 

Program Advisor
