Message from the Dean

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Miller Hall 250 (MH 250)

Mailing Address

Woodring College of Education
Western Washington University
MS 9088
516 High Street
Bellingham, WA 98225-9088

My name is Kevin Roxas and this year I am excited to start my appointment as the Dean of the Woodring College of Education. Prior to this appointment, I have served the college as the Chair of the Secondary Education Department and as Associate Dean for Student Success, Access, and Outreach.

I wish to warmly welcome you to the website for the Woodring College of Education at Western Washington University.  Woodring has an outstanding reputation as a leading college of education in the state of Washington, across the Pacific Northwest, and across the nation and world. Its faculty, staff, and students are nationally and internationally recognized for their innovative approaches to the preparation of educational professionals that make significant and enduring impacts in schools, universities, hospitals, and community-based organizations. 

Faculty, staff, and students in the college are firmly committed to creating and sustaining an affirming culture of learning that advances knowledge, honors diversities, and promotes social justice. The college also has a long-standing commitment and history of fostering strong partnerships with members of our local communities, schools, and other community-based organizations.

I hope that you will spend some time exploring on our website the different programs, departments and centers that make up our college community.  I hope that you will see real-life examples of the tremendous work our staff, faculty and students do to make Woodring a caring, supportive community where students feel like they can thrive and develop as future educators and leaders in schools, community organizations, and hospitals and clinics.

We hope that you will partner with us as we work every day to create more equitable conditions in schools, community-based organizations, and local communities.  As a college community, we seek to catalyze transformational change that positively impacts students, their families, and members of communities that we seek to serve and support.  Please join us in this work!

Kevin Roxas
Dean and Professor
Woodring College of Education

Dr. Kevin Roxas
Dr. Kevin Roxas
Woodring College of Education Dean