Secondary Education

Welcome to Secondary Education!

The Secondary Education program is designed for students who want to become teachers at the middle or high school level and leads to recommendation by the State of Washington for a teaching certificate. To learn about the core values that guide our program, see the department's Guiding Principles

WWU freshmen and new transfers will focus to have all General University Requirements and the Writing Proficiency complete, and declare a major. Check the Endorsement page for the list of aligned majors and advisors in the subject you want to teach.

To be eligible to apply to Secondary Education you will need to complete most/all of the academic coursework (there are exceptions for Music, PEH, and Computer Ed.). For post-bac. or non-WWU applicants, you must provide evidence of coursework that meet your endorsement requirements. Early advising is encouraged to ensure your eligibility to apply- contact Woodring Admissions at


Meet a Student

profile photo of Miguel Gonzalez Ramirez with the text "A conversation with Miguel Gonzalez Ramirez, Master's In Teaching Student, Co-founder of the Latinx Men in Higher Education club, Woodring College of Education"
A photo of the ethnic student center on the left with the words "Master's In Teaching, History Major, Minor in Latin American Studies" on the right.
text saying "if you can have even one person rooting for you, it makes all the difference. I want my students to feel like they have that support and belief."
a photo of Miguel in the diversity, recruitment, and retention office with the the quote "I knew that I wanted to teach history in high school and that's why I came to Western".

Tips For Applying

Application deadlines vary based on program. Please see individual program pages for more information.

  1. Seek early advising
  2. Maintain advising support
  3. Get experience working with youth 
  4. Check academic program requirements (endorsement)

Contact Us

Phone:  360-650-3327
Location:  Miller Hall 400
General inquiries:

Department Chair, Professor Longoria
Department Manager, Janna Cecka, 360-650-3347 or Calendly