Human Services

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Now Accepting Human Services Applications!

 See Apply Now for information.

About the Major:  Thousands of Human Services graduates are currently working in meaningful positions in nonprofit, government, and community-based services. Graduates work as case managers, advocates, grant writers, youth workers, volunteer coordinators, fundraisers, trainers, para-educators, and advocacy specialists in a variety of settings such as community organizations, schools, universities, and government agencies.

The program has a social justice orientation, engaging students in critical analysis and reflection as they examine social issues at the individual, group, organization, community, and global level. The curriculum emphasizes community engagement and requires 260 hours of field experience that allows students to integrate theory, knowledge, and skills through work in human services organizations. For a program overview, see the WWU Catalog's Major Guide for Human Services.

Program Locations

WWU Human Services - Bellingham (Main Campus)

Woodring College of Education, Miller Hall 318
Phone: 360.650.7759
Email: HS Bellingham
Please contact us to schedule a personal advising appointment!

WWU Human Services - Online Program

The Online Program brings the Human Services faculty and curriculum to learners throughout the state of Washington and is designed specifically to serve place-bound students. Western Washington University’s Woodring College of Education actively seeks ways to provide access to higher education for individuals on the Kitsap and Olympic Peninsulas and in other underserved areas of the state. One of these opportunities is the Human Services Online Program, an upper division major that utilizes mixed modalities with an emphasis on technology to enable students to complete a bachelor’s degree from Western.

Online program information