Janna Cecka
Department Manager
I enjoy getting to know prospective students and to provide initial advising for our Secondary Education teacher programs. Would love to hear your story- what led you to this moment...what next step(s) you would like to take...and what inspires you.
I have been the manager in Secondary Education since July 2012, and prior to this I worked 21 years with the Ethnic Student Center (yay, ESC fam!). Both are great programs at Western! I am grateful to have had a career in higher education and fulfilled knowing I have contributed and made a positive impact in student experiences. While working full-time I raised three amazing sons (now men), and completed a degree through WWU main campus and Fairhaven- concentration titled 'Fiberessence- Manifestations of Identity Through Conceptual Fiber Arts'.
Forever thankful for family (grandbabies!), friends, and the kind souls I've met/meet along the way.
Take care of self.
Always be kind.
Love this life.
Read 'Desiderata'...or at least 'Pete the Cat' groovy books.
In love,