Gail Goulet, Ph.D.
Senior Instructor
I am a senior instructor in several departments in the Health and Community Studies Department. My interests are in learning about learning, developing communities of practice, and environmental justice for the Salish Sea. I have a Communications major and Women Studies minor (Simon Fraser University) for my undergraduate degree, a master's degree in Adult and Higher Education (Western Washington University), and a Ph.D. in Adult and Continuing Education (University of Glasgow).
One of the main focuses of my career has been providing career development services and courses in British Columbia. I started in a non-profit agency as an Employment Counselor for women on low income and single-parent women. For two decades I was owner/operator, CEO/president of Career Connections Training Centre Inc where we provided an array of employment, skills, and training services. Throughout my career I have undertaken a variety of writing projects: personal journal writing, grant proposals, reports, newsletters, a Ph.D. thesis and other academic research and writing endeavors.
This year I am teaching the one credit Nurs 307 classes. Assisting you with your skill development and growth is so gratifying; I look forward to working with you.