Clayton Pierce, Ph.D.
He/him, Associate Professor
Clayton Pierce (He/him) is the Interim Director of the Education and Social Justice Minor and an Associate Professor of Youth, Society, & Justice in Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies. His teaching is concerned with the neoliberal reconstruction of public education and specifically how free market governance models of schooling perpetuates racial, economic, and gender inequalities in school and society. Secondly, his teaching and research engages critical theories of education from Marxist, post-structuralist, and the Black Radical traditions with the goal of better understanding how public schooling has and currently preserves racial capitalist interests in U.S. society and culture. Building from these two areas of focus, Pierce is interested in connecting environmental/food justice movements with educational praxis—specifically looking at how alternative food production and sovereignty can create and model liberatory and more just community learning spaces.