Tracey Pyscher, Ph.D.



My research interests include understanding the social and cultural experiences of children and youth with histories of domestic violence (HDV youth) and their navigation of school, critical literacy and learning, and what praxis means to/for teacher education.

Related Publications

Pyscher, T. & Anne Crampton. (In Press). Set by a Strange Clock: Collaboration and its tendency to repeat, regress, and fixate on moments of breakdown and gratification. Journal of Educational Controversy: Complexity of Collaboration: How do the Differing and Often Conflicting Cultures of Universities, Public Schools and Community Collaborate in Promoting the Well Being of Children.

Pyscher, T. (2017). "A Violence of “Best Practice” and Unintended Consequences?: Domestic Violence and the Making of a Disordered Subjectivity," Journal of Educational Controversy: Vol. 11 : No. 1 , Article 3. Available at:

Pyscher, T., & Lozenski, B.D. (2017). “I got in trouble, but I didn’t get caught”: The discursive construction of “Throwaway Youth.” Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the Prison-to-School Pipeline. London: Lexington Books.

Pyscher, T. (2016). Domestic Violence and Girlhood: the Making and Breaking of a Disordered Subjectivity. Cultural Studies↔ Critical Methodologies, 1532708616674992.

Scharber, C., Isaacson, K., Pyscher, T., & Lewis, C. (2016). Pathways for all: Teens, tech, and learning: In L. R. Miller, D. Becker, & K. Becker (Eds.), Technology for transformation: Perspectives of hope in the digital age. 195-214. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Scharber, C., K. Issacson, T. Pyscher, & C. Lewis. (2016). Participatory culture meets critical practice: Documentary film production in a youth internship program. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, Special Issue: Youth Literacies and Social Justice.

Pyscher, T. (2015). Against rubbish collecting: Educators & resistively ambivalent youth. Journal of Educational Controversy, Special Issue: Challenging the Deficit Model and the Pathologizing of Children: Envisioning Alternative Models, 9(1),6.

Pyscher, T. & B. Lozenski. (2014). Throwaway youth: The sociocultural location of resistance to schooling. Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(4), 531-545. Special issue: Breaking the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

Lewis, C., Pyscher, T., & Stutelberg, E. (2014). Critical sociocultural perspectives in English education. In J. Brass & A. Webb (Eds.), Reclaiming English language arts methods courses: Critical Issues and Challenges for Teacher Educators in Top-Down Times. New York: Rutledge.
Pyscher, T & Bijelic, M. (2004). Creating Successful Environments for Refugee Youth who
Experienced Trauma. Center for Victims of Torture. Minneapolis, MN: Accessed at