Prepare teachers who are committed to a just, sustainable future for all generations
Prepare teachers who are able to engage in systems thinking
Provide tools and experiences to develop teachers who are change agents who can understand and work within existing structures to transform systems
Hold and nurture space for the development of communities of learners
Foster creativity and mindfulness
Engage in respectful community dialog given a variety of viewpoints and perspectives
Create contexts in which everyone can express their experiences with confidence, knowing they will be heard with sensitivity
We believe
Teaching and learning are collaborative and are built on critical inquiry processes
Learning is a reciprocal, on-going process, requiring openness to new ideas
Effective democratic teachers build on the valuable knowledge and assets students bring to the learning process
In honoring and supporting the young people of our communities, enabling them to fulfill their essential role in creating sustainable societies.
In recognizing that all beings are interdependent and every form of life has value regardless of its worth to human beings.
In promoting social and economic justice, enabling all to achieve a secure and meaningful livelihood that is ecologically responsible
We center social justice with the assertions that
Systems of power and privilege give rise to inequities in society
Justice requires a critical analysis of social, cultural and institutional systems and how they contribute to inequity
Critical self-reflection helps us understand the beliefs and positions we hold, our world view, and where those perspectives come from
Staying open to other points of view, and understanding and valuing the lived experiences of others is a central requisite of working toward a more just society
We promote the development of critical inquiry by
Helping teacher candidates develop curiosity and the need to know
Building powers of deep observation, listening, and interpretation
Engaging school and community members in action research
Using critical inquiry as a pedagogical tool
Conducting inquiry at all levels – personal, classroom, systems
Candidates who thrive in our program possess and continue developing abilities to
Display curiosity and open-mindedness toward the life experiences and perspectives of others
Listen to and observe student thinking
Demonstrate intercultural understanding
Employ critical consciousness
Engage with and appreciate ambiguity
Acknowledge and adapt to the tensions of critical communities and democratic processes
Have an assets-based approach to students and to one another as colleagues