Services & Resources
For Woodring College of Education (WCE) Instructors and Students
The resources of the E-ATRC are utilized by WCE faculty/instructors and students in more than 20 courses in a variety of departments and programs, including:
- Communication Sciences/Disorders
- Continuing & College Education
- Elementary Education
- Human Services
- Instructional Technology
- Secondary Education
- Special Education
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
WCE faculty/instructors collaborate with the E-ATRC coordinator to:
- align and integrate AT concepts with course content,
- select resources to present or technology tools to model in class,
- plan the necessary logistics for required AT-related course assignments.
WCE students access the E-ATRC to complete assignments for various courses, in order to learn about the technology tools that will benefit their future students, clients and patients:
- AT Introduction / Overview: Students receive an overview of AT which may include modeling of AT tools in class by instructor or center coordinator, an AT-related video or PowerPoint, and/or a tour of the center.
- AT Tools and Interventions: Students come to the E-ATRC to review and/or learn to use software, adapted materials/devices, and other AT tools and resources in order to complete assignments, reports and projects.
- AT Tool Application: Students select tools to match the needs of individual learners/clients as identified in case study descriptions and/or utilize tools with individuals in community practicum and internship settings.