Admission and Registration


So you want to be an elementary teacher?  

Applicants must meet the following:

  • WWU student or WWU applicant
  • Minimum of 75 college level credits completed by the application due date, or anticipated DTA-AA degree by admissions quarter start date. AP and IB credits can count towards the 75 required credits. For a list of acceptable tests and scores, see Western's Transfer Credit Policies. 
  • 2.75 GPA (cumulative or last 45+ graded credits). Transcripts will be reviewed for purposes of GPA calculation. Email unofficial transcripts to
    • Does not include S/U graded credits or a repeated course. 
    • Does include failing grades. 
    • GPA is calculated using the WWU grade point system.
    • NOTE: Upon request, we will evaluate GPA prior to applying to the program
  • West-B requirement (submitted SAT/ACT/West-B scores to WWU); applicants may not be admitted without meeting this requirement.
  • English composition course (ENG 101, COMM 101, JOUR 106) with minimum grade of B-.  For other courses, check with Teacher Education Admissions. Exams that meet this requirement:
    • AP English Literature or Language, minimum score of 4.
    • IB English, minimum score of 4
  • Completion of program prerequisites
    • Math Prerequisite for all programs
      • MATH 111 or MATH 112 minimum grade of C
      • ALEKS Math Placement Assessment with a minimum score of 45 required
      • For non-WWU students this is an intermediate college Algebra course (e.g. MATH 99 at Whatcom CC or Skagit Valley College with minimum grade of C)
      • Course more than 5 years old will not be honored
    • SCED 201 - Required for all program options
      • Minimum grade of C
      • WWU students must request an override code for SCED 201 - contact Lori Torres
      • WWU students are encouraged to also take SCED 202, 203, and 204 for remaining Natural Science GURs
      • Community College equivalents = Skagit CC PHYS 111, Whatcom CC PHYSC 104

Program-Aligned Majors

The undergraduate Elementary Professional Program is a teacher preparation program that leads to certification and an endorsement to teach Elementary Education. Students who desire to pursue this program can choose from the following majors: 

Woodring Majors

Students must be admitted to the Elementary Education Program to declare these majors:

 Additional Aligned Majors

Students declaring these majors may be able to get started on major coursework prior to admission

Additional majors are possible through advisement. Please contact the ELED Department Manager for more information.

Post-Baccalaureate Applicants

Post-baccalaureate will complete the Elementary Education Professional Program.

Post-baccalaureate applicants are not required to complete a new major, but must request a review of their transcripts to determine if previous course work is program aligned. Email unofficial transcripts to


First Quarter Course Requirements

Students are required to take the following courses during their first quarter in the program unless already completed:

  • ELED 311 – 1 credit
  • ELED 305 – 5 credits 
  • ELED 460 – 5 credits 
  • MLE 441 – 5 credits

Required ELED Program Courses that Meet General University Requirements (GURs)

  • MATH 381 and MATH 382 - Completes Quantitative and Symbolic Reasoning (QSR) Requirement
  • ELED 310 - Meets Block B (BCGM) Requirement of Comparative, Gender, and Multicultural Studies
  • SCED 201 - Meets one LSCI Requirement of Natural Sciences

Application Deadlines:

Fall Admission - March 1

Winter Admission - September 15

Spring Admission - January 15

Submit an Application​

  • Due Dates:
    • Fall Admission - March 1
    • Winter Admission - September 15
    • Spring Admission - January 15
  • If you are not a WWU student, you must also apply to WWU. This is a separate application.
  • Before applying, review the Elementary Education Application Checklist to ensure you meet the requirements.
  • Submit Your Application Here

    • The application will include the following essay questions: 
      1. Please describe one or more of your life experiences (within or outside of a school context) that have been significant in helping you understand issues of equity, diversity and social justice.
      2. From those life experiences, identify specific lessons that you have learned about what it would mean for you to be a teacher committed to equity, diversity and social justice.
      3. What additional experiences, qualifications or other information relevant to your potential as a teacher do you wish the Admissions Committee to consider?
  • All applications must be submitted digitally, please do not mail in your application.

Teacher Education Admission Contact Information

360.650.6161, phone

Western Washington University, 516 High Street, Bellingham, WA   98225-9090