Basic Skills Requirement
Applicants to teacher education programs in the State of Washington are required to take a basic skills assessment for admission, but candidates will no longer need to achieve a specific passing score. The basic skills assessment is used as one of the multiple measures that gauge a candidate's basic skills upon entry. The requirement may be met by:
Taking the West-B exam. OR
Completed SAT or ACT scores in Reading, Writing, and Math. OR
Out of state post-baccalaureate and masters level applicants may utilize out of state basic skills exam to meet the WEST-B requirement. Accepted out-of-state basic skills exams can be found on the PESB website.
Any exam score used to meet this requirement must be officially sent to the university by the testing company. Scores already on file with the university do not have to be re-sent. Helpful links:
Need help paying for the WEST-B?
If you qualify for financial aid, send an email to to request a West-B voucher. Please include the following information:
The program and term you are applying for (e.g. Elementary, Fall 2017). You do not have to be a current WWU student, but must be applying to a WCE teacher education program (Secondary, Special Education, Elementary, or Early Childhood).
The approximate date you plan to take the exam.
A statement declaring you qualify for financial aid based on your FAFSA.
Submit your request at least a week before you plan to register for the exam. Don't register and pay for a test before you find out if you qualify for a voucher.
WEST-B voucher supply is limited.