Future Teachers of Color Promise Scholarship *

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Amount: $1500 a year, renewable for a second year

Promise Scholar Application Form

The Challenge: Prepare minority teachers to meet a critical shortage in the state's public schools, where the number of minority students is steadily increasing.

Our Goal: Provide scholarships, as well as personal and group mentoring to students of color who will be joining with Woodring in a "promise" agreement to maintain eligibility and enroll in one of Woodring's teacher education programs as soon as they have fulfilled the requirements for admission.


To receive this scholarship, you must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled as a full-time Western Washington University student who will be a sophomore or junior the fall quarter following the scholarship deadline
  • Be a student of color
  • Have potential for future academic success (based on academic history and/or recommendations from teachers/advisors)
  • Be able to communicate your desire to become a P-12 teacher through the required scholarship application essay
  • Have a complete application submitted by the deadline
  • If selected as a finalist, agree to an interview with the scholarship selection committee, if requested.

Scholarship awards are distributed to recipients on a quarterly basis (fall, winter, spring) and may be renewable for one academic year. To remain eligible, students must:

  • Be in good standing and maintain satisfactory academic progress (minimum 2.75 GPA) at Western Washington University with the promise of meeting Woodring College of Education admissions criteria.
  • Maintain the intent of entering teacher education and applying to Woodring College of Education in a timely manner.
  • Attend seminar(s) and/or events hosted by Woodring designed to ensure student success.
  • Communicate, as requested, with a Woodring assigned mentor.

The Future Teachers of Color Promise Scholarship Program is administered through the Woodring College of Education Dean's office. The scholarship committee consists of Woodring faculty.