Underrepresented Students

Future Teachers of Color Promise Scholarship *

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Amount: $1500 a year, renewable for a second year

Promise Scholar Application Form

The Challenge: Prepare minority teachers to meet a critical shortage in the state's public schools, where the number of minority students is steadily increasing.

Mildred M. Bain Memorial Scholarship *

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Mann Challenge Scholarship*

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Amount: $5000 per year, may be renewed each year as long as the student is meeting program requirements for up to four years.


  • must identify as male
  • must have participated in the Maestros Para el Pueblo program at Skagit Valley College
  • must intend to enroll in or be admitted to a teacher education program. 
  • must have financial need.

Application for Mann Challenge Scholarship

Raven Spirit Award *

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Please email Woodring.Scholarships@wwu.edu to check annual availability.

Winifred Nolte Keyes Scholarship*

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Application Form

The Winifred Nolte Keyes Scholarship provides support for native/indigenous students earning a degree and/or certificate in education at Woodring College of Education.

Paul and Jeannette Woodring Scholarship*

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The Paul and Jeannette Woodring Scholarship supports underrepresented students who are pursuing a career in education or Human Services.   The scholarship is automatically awarded to students who were selected as Future Woodring Scholars or recruited through the Maestros Para El Pueblo & Recruiting Washington Teachers programs and are participating in certain first year experiences (FIGS).


John and Marilyn Warner Promise Scholarship*

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  • The John and Marilyn Warner Promise Scholarship supports underrepresented students who apply to and are accepted into the Martinez Fellowship program - Technology Access Foundation
  • The program's mission is to improve teacher diversity through mentoring, seminars, and other means of support. 

More information on how Woodring College students can apply is on the Martinez Fellowship webpage.

Michael A. Colacarro Jr. Promise Scholarship

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To provide support for sophomore or junior students of color who will be joining Woodring College of Education in a "promise" agreement to maintain eligibility and enroll in one of Woodring's teacher education programs as soon as they have fulfilled the requirements for admission.  This scholarship is eligible for renewal.

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