
During your first quarter or the beginning of your second quarter, you should meet with your advisor to complete your AHE study plan in Degree Works. Your Plan of Study allows you to map out the course you will take each quarter and double check to see that your planned courses will fulfill all of your degree requirements.  Degree Works is an academic planning and degree progress tool that reflects your academic progress towards the completion of your program of study at Western.  View the short tutorial video under Make a Plan on the Graduate School website; and/or you can also refer to the Degree Works Guide for Students. You can access Degree Works in Web4U, navigate to your Students Tab, select Student Records, and then select Degree Works. AHE students are advised to register for required/core courses FIRST before their electives, in order to build an academic and intellectual foundation for your studies.  Students should have all other required/core courses completed prior to taking the capstone course AHE 588 Portfolio and Applied Research Proposal (or obtain permission of instructor) and should be in final two quarters of their program.  Also AHE 592 Field Experience should be taken after the AHE 588 course in the final two quarters of your program (or obtain permission of advisor).  

For your elective credits, the AHE 518 Current Issues in AHE course is offered each quarter under a different topic so it is repeatable three times.  You are allowed to choose the topics you are interested in and can repeat this course three times until your elective credits are fulfilled.  For upcoming AHE 518 topics, refer to the annual AHE Course Offerings schedule link posted at the bottom of this webpage. Refer to the AHE Student Handbook for detailed course information.  

Your advisor will contact you annually via Canvas to make an advising appointment that can happen via email, telephone, or in-person---whichever is more convenient for you.  You have the option of not being advised at this point by simply stating this to the advisor in writing.  Otherwise, make and confirm an appointment to meet with your advisor. The advising session will be documented. An academic adviser can help with questions related to your plan, about how to plan your progression through the program, your career path and particular courses that might be best for your professional interests, and/or challenges you may be experiencing.  During this session, the advisor will ask what s/he can assist you with in terms of the aforementioned items and if you have questions about academic issues.  They can also talk with you about building a professional network or gaining experience that will help you in your professional aspirations. The advising session can last anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes. Advising can happen all year round. All you have to do is send your advisor an email to start this conversation.  You can also contact your advisor at any point on this Canvas advising forum or email to ask for assistance on any matter related to your academic progress.  

We use what is called “solution-focused advising” as our model because we realize the AHE student community is composed of busy adults who are balancing any combination of work, family responsibilities and coursework, so they have unique needs and schedules.  This means that attention is given to decision-making regarding course selection, monitoring academic progress, and facilitating career-based networking and services.  Your advisor will assist you with any of the following during your tenure in the program:  developing and/or continuing your plan of study in Degree Works (see Student Handbook), assistance with making decisions regarding amendments to your Plan of Study, helping you to monitor your academic progress in the program, developing strategies for improvement, as well as facilitate a discussion and possible referrals that impact your academic progress.  The advising session is not for counseling.  If personal life issues are negatively impacting your academic progress, the advisor will refer you to various support services on campus.  Peers in the AHE Program, especially through the GSAC (Graduate Student Advisory Committee), can assist in mentoring for pastoral support to persist in AHE.  This primarily emotional support is often in the form of community building activities and discussing work/life balance.

The New Student Welcome/Advising Email informs students of their assigned advisor and you can look below to find contact information. The New Student Orientation session is an opportunity to meet your advisor and to ask questions about academic issues in AHE.  You might also have general program inquiries and these can be directed to the AHE Program Coordinator,  Sherry can also refer you to resources or greater reference points at WWU (for example, how to get tech help).


If you need advising, contact your advisor to schedule an appointment.  If you set up your advising session on Zoom, then you can use the following link:

Advising Zoom Meeting