Early Childhood Education News

Early Childhood Education Program News

  • The ECE Program was featured as a model of excellence in the recently published "Centering Equity in Teacher Education Evaluation: From Principles to Transformative Enactment" article in the Journal of Teacher Education (Cochran-Smith & Reagan, 2022).  In their article, Cochran-Smith & Reagan spotlight three programs that have reframed teacher education evaluation by “baking” equity into multiple program components, including curriculum, coursework and fieldwork, and assessment and evaluation practices.
  • Early Childhood Education Program Coordinator, Megan Brown, was recognized as WWU Outstanding Classified Staff for 2022.
  • (Re)Learning to Teach Science with a Hearing Impairment: An Autoethnographic Study, a research paper co-authored by Dr. Debi Hanuscin and Spencer Green was honored as the 2023 recipient of the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Award V: Implications of Research for Educational Practice. At the time of this award, Spencer is an undergraduate student majoring in Early Childhood Education P-3.  In the history of this award, no undergraduate student has ever been recognized.  
  • Dr. Debi Hanuscin and Student Spencer Green hold their ASTE Awards