To Apply
We are recruiting for Fall 2025 - apply now!
Admission Requirements
To be considered for admission to the MA in Rehabilitation Counseling (RC) program, you must meet the admission requirements for Western's Graduate Programs. See below for a list of all required application materials.
The program admits for fall quarter. All materials must be submitted by June 1 (we do accept applications after June 1 if there is space in our cohort). Applications received by April 1 will be considered for an early admission decision.
International students may be eligible to apply for the MA in RC program - please contact the Graduate School ( for more information.
RC Application Materials Include
- Application for the Graduate School and fee.
- One set of unofficial transcripts from each school attended, including WWU graduates. (If you are offered admission to the program, you will be required to submit official transcripts, but at the time of application, only unofficial transcripts are required.) The Graduate School minimum GPA requirement is 3.0; however, if an applicant’s GPA is slightly below a 3.0 but they demonstrate strength in all other components of the application, a provisional admission may be considered.
- Three professional/educational references – references should be from individuals who can attest to either your professional experiences (preferably at least one from a direct supervisor; can include internship/volunteer positions) or academic strength (preferably a university professor). References should not be from family members or close personal friends.
- In the application, you will be asked to list your references (including their email address). After you have entered the information for each of your references, click on “Submit Recommendation Request” and they will receive an email with a link to a reference form to complete and electronically submit.
- Starting for Fall 2020 applicants: a GRE or MAT score is no longer required!
- A current resume.
- A Statement of Purpose (scroll down for more information about this).
- A signed copy of the Expectations for Academic and Professional Performance.
- Criminal History Self-Disclosure (see #7 below - not included in the online application but sent directly to Dept. Manager).
Application Process
- Go to Western’s Graduate School How to Apply website, click on Create Your Account.
- After you have created an account, click on Online Application.
- Next, click on Master of Arts and then Rehabilitation Counseling. Select the fall term you are applying for, and click on Select Program.
- Continue through the application, adding information or uploading required materials (list of materials is in the section above).
- Don’t forget to click Save as you are working through this process to ensure that you do not lose any information.
- Once you have entered all the requested information and uploaded all materials, you will be able to submit your completed application and pay the $100 application fee.
- Additional RC Application Materials - At the same time as you are completing the online application, you also need to submit to the Department a signed copy of the Criminal History Self-Disclosure form (instructions on form). This form is not uploaded in the online application system, but should be completed and mailed to the Department (see address below).
- When your application is complete and the Graduate School has finished the initial review of your application, you will be contacted by the Program for a personal interview. Personal interviews begin shortly after the April 1st priority deadline for completed applications.
- After the interview, individuals under further consideration for admission must undergo a comprehensive background check (Do not complete this background check until the program asks you to complete it.). Go to and under Human Services and Rehabilitation Counseling, select we30:Background Check. Applicants are responsible for this expense (approximately $60.00) and will be able to view their results online. In some rare instances, fingerprinting may be required ($0-$20). Applicants who are not U.S. Citizens should contact the HCS Program Manager at 360-650-7644 for more details.
- If you are offered admission to the program, you will be asked to confirm your intent to enroll by submitting a $100 confirmation fee as a part of accepting admission.
- Still have application-related questions? View the FAQ.
Statement of Purpose
The Statement of Purpose should be a succinct statement (two to three pages) that provides an accurate indication of writing and grammatical skills.
As you begin to write your Statement of Purpose, please take time to review the WWU MA in Rehabilitation Counseling Mission and Objectives, the Rehabilitation Counseling Scope of Practice, and the Preamble of the Code of Professional Ethics for Certified Rehabilitation Counselors (pages 1-3) and reflect upon your interest in and match with our program and the rehabilitation counseling profession. Use this reflection and write your statement to address the following:
- Your reason(s) for choosing/applying the MA in Rehabilitation Counseling program
- Professional and personal strengths related to counseling, defined as a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals
- Relevant experiences in life, work, and/or schooling related to rehabilitation counseling
- Your goals and interests that demonstrate and illustrate your personal value system as it relates to equity, social justice, and/or access
- Your career objectives
You can also include any additional information or insights that you consider relevant to your application.
Address for the Graduate School
(Send application materials here)
Western Washington University
Graduate School
516 High Street, Old Main 530
Bellingham, WA 98225-9037
Address for the Department
(Send Criminal History Self-Disclosure here)
Western Washington University
Dept. of Health & Community Studies
516 High Street, Miller Hall 318D
Bellingham, WA 98225-9091