Internship Materials - Special Education

This page includes student teaching resources for Special Education teacher education candidates, cooperating teachers (CTs), and University Intern Coordinators (UICs). Contact us at if you have any questions.

Current Quarter:

Fall 2024

Upcoming Quarters:

Winter 2025

Self Assessment

You will use the Self-Assessment document to record evidence relating to the InTASC standards that you are evaluated on during your student teaching internship.

This document must be completed using Adobe Reader.

The Self Assessment should be a "living" document that is added onto throughout the course of your internship. By the end of the quarter, each indicator should have about 3 examples that are specific and dated.

At the end of the quarter, your completed self-assessment will guide you in the process of selecting 1-3 goals for your Professional Growth Plan.

Professional Growth Plan

Using the Professional Growth Plan Template, you will expand on your goal(s) by connecting to Pre-service teaching standards (InTASC) and identifying outcomes, activities and evidence.

To support the development of your PGP, the following is an example of a strong PGP from a student in your program as well as the scoring rubric that will help you understand the expectations of writing a PGP that meets standard.

Additionally, here are examples of two PGPs that do not meet expectations. Both have annotations to explain the scores and corresponding rubrics.

When your PGP is complete and signed, you will send to your UIC for review and approval.

Please email or call if you have any questions:

Video permissions forms must be used* if you record your teaching either live or online where students are seen.

It is your responsibility to ensure that the recording remains secure and is destroyed at the end of the internship quarter. 

You are also responsible for assuring every student being recorded has a signed permission form and that you retain these until the end of your internship quarter. You will not submit the forms to OFE, but must be able to produce a form if needed.

*This form should NOT be used within Bellingham Public Schools. They have specific policies that govern recording of students. If you are placed in Bellingham, please discuss with your Cooperating Teacher.

Video Permission Form--ENGLISH

Video Permission Form--RUSSIAN

Video Permission Form--SPANISH

Video Permission Form--TAGALOG