Faculty Governance Committee

The Faculty Governance Committee (FGC) will ensure faculty views are considered in significant actions related to college governance. Consistent with University policy regarding shared governance, the FGC will represent the faculty of all departments of the Woodring College of Education in all significant matters relating to budgeting, planning and formulating, implementing, and evaluating college policy. The FGC is an advisory body that reviews and makes recommendations regarding policies and procedures that govern the college. Working in conjunction with other governance bodies and committees in the college, the FGC will facilitate meaningful participation by the faculty in the governance of the College through timely exchange of information with the college’s administration, and by clearly and publicly representing faculty views to the college’s Dean. The FGC represents the voice of faculty at Woodring College of Education and will solicit faculty input through various means. FGC meetings are open. Any faculty member can bring to the FGC concerns consistent with the purview of the committee. Members of the FGC will represent Tenured, Tenure Track and Non-Tenure Track faculty appointed to their department, including faculty assigned to outreach programs.


The Committee will have advisory responsibilities as listed below. Additional items that meet the general parameters expressed below should be reviewed by FGC:  


  • Facilitate meaningful faculty participation in college governance by soliciting faculty opinions and views on a regular basis, particularly on matters pertaining to overall planning and budget.
  • Ensure that faculty in the college are fully informed about important issues regarding the governance of the college, particularly those pertaining to overall planning and budget.
  • Advise the Dean on matters pertaining to overall planning and budget.
  • Review and make recommendations regarding any plans pertaining to the organization or governance of the college.
  • Provide one representative of FGC to serve on search committees for all college level administrative positions. 


  • Review all college policies, plans, and procedures on a regular basis, including the College bylaws and strategic plan.
  • Review the College Plan for Faculty Development and Evaluation and Departmental Faculty Evaluation Plans when there are substantive changes for compliance with the College Recruitment and Retention Plan, UFWW Collective Bargaining Agreement, and WWU Faculty Handbook.
  • Based on FGC review of College policies, plans, and procedures, make recommendations for changes. 


  • Review changes in allocation of tenure-track lines.
  • Review all plans for significant budget reductions or increases. 


The FGC includes at least one and no more than two tenured or tenure-track faculty representatives from each department in the College. Department representatives to the FGC are selected through direct election by eligible department faculty. The Dean is an ex-officio member of FGC.