Staff Advisory Council
Leadership Councils
Standing Committees
Advisory Committees
Professional Education Advisory Boards
The Woodring Staff Advisory Council (WSAC) recognizes that Staff are integral and important members of the College community and essential to achieving the mission and vision of the College.
The primary purpose of the Woodring Staff Advisory Council is to contribute to the mission and vision of the College and to facilitate the integration of staff voice in matters of the College that affect or are of importance to staff. The Council seeks to accomplish this by:
- Promoting a positive and supportive work environment for all members of the College
- Facilitating collaboration, mentoring, and knowledge sharing among the Staff and Faculty
- Promoting equity, enhancing the visibility and strengthening the voice of Staff within the College
- Serving as a college leadership committee in an advisory role to the Dean and College leadership committees in matters affecting Staff
The Council will have advisory responsibilities as listed below. Additional items that meet the general parameters expressed below should be reviewed by the Council.
- Facilitate meaningful Staff participation in college governance by soliciting Staff opinions and views on a regular basis, particularly on matters pertaining to overall planning and budget affecting Staff.
- Advise the Dean on matters pertaining to overall planning and budget affecting Staff.
- Review and make recommendations regarding any plans pertaining to the organization or governance of the college affecting Staff.
- At least one staff representative shall serve on the search committee for any staff position or college level administrative position.
- Provide Staff representation on the Woodring Advisory Council
- Provide Staff representation on other committees or workgroups as requested.
Review all college policies, plans, and procedures on a regular basis, for their impact on staff, making recommendations for changes.
Review changes in allocations of college resources affecting Staff. The Council should be involved early in any process involving any of the duties listed above. Such involvement should provide the Council with enough time to fully consider the issue(s) and an opportunity to obtain feedback from constituencies.
The Council may call for the formation of ad hoc Staff committees to address needs that are beyond the resources or expertise of the Council. Such ad hoc committees may include those who are not Council members. The Council Co-Chairs will consult with the Dean and department lead staff to identify non-Council members who might serve.
All college Staff are full members of the Council. This includes permanent part-time, project, and temporary employees.