Equity and Diversity Committee
Leadership Councils
Standing Committees
Advisory Committees
Professional Education Advisory Boards
Woodring College of Education is committed to transformational change that supports increased understanding and respect for all people and cultures. One of the ways the College fulfills this commitment is through the work of its Equity and Diversity Committee. The Equity and Diversity Committee strives to promote equity among all people with attention to those who have experienced systemic social injustice based on their ethnicity, race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, language, socioeconomic status, or religion.
The Equity and Diversity Committee employs a continuous improvement approach to identify and promote strategies and processes to:
- support the integration of issues of social justice, equity and diversity throughout curricula (e.g. content, pedagogy and field experiences);
- attract and retain an increasingly diverse faculty, staff and student population; and
- foster the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and critical consciousness in all members of the College to promote social justice, equity and diversity.
This committee acts in an advisory capacity to the Woodring Leadership and Faculty Affairs Councils and the Woodring Dean to support institutional commitment of these goals.
Members of the Equity and Diversity Committee include faculty, staff and student representatives from all Woodring departments. Additional members are invited from across campus whose expertise or role supports the work of the committee. Historically individuals from the following offices have participated: Assistant Vice president of Student Affairs, Director of EOO, and members of Student Outreach Services and Admissions.