Nursing Advisory Committee
Leadership Councils
Standing Committees
Advisory Committees
Professional Education Advisory Boards
The Nursing Advisory Committee (NAC) works to build a strong foundation of support for the program and collaborates with faculty, staff, students and community organizations to continually promote the program to higher levels of excellence, innovation and prominence. The Nursing Advisory Committee works to serve the health care needs of the community through nursing practice by guiding and assisting the ongoing work of the program related to:
- issues, trends and changes in nursing practice;
- interprofessional partnerships to promote excellence in nursing practice;
- creating a culture of patient safety;
- curriculum evaluation, planning and development;
- advancement of evidence based practice;
- academic-practice partnerships;
- student practice experiences and graduate work experience feedback;
- implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing report recommendations;
- awareness and growth of diversity in the workforce; and
- education funding and scholarship growth.
The NAC is composed of respected community and health care leaders with professional or voluntary ties to Western Washington University and those dedicated to advancing excellence in nursing practice to promote healthy communities resulting in safe, high-quality health care for our community.