Tenure & Promotion Committee
Leadership Councils
Standing Committees
Advisory Committees
Professional Education Advisory Boards
The College Tenure and Promotion (T & P) Committee is a standing committee of the Woodring College of Education, which has obligations to both the candidate and the institution. The College Tenure and Promotion Committee bears responsibility for ensuring that due process procedures are followed during its review and deliberations. The committee shall review the candidate’s file in order to determine that the department’s review meets the standards set forth by that department and the College (CBA
The Committee also reviews and approves all Departmental standards along with the Dean and the Provost for compliance with relevant college and university standards and procedures (CBA 7.5.5).
In addition, the Committee has the responsibility to periodically review and recommend updates to the WCE Plan for Faculty Development and Evaluation to ensure its alignment with collective bargaining agreements, College and University policies, and evolving expectations regarding tenure and promotion.
Subsequent to department reviews and completion of Chair’s summary, the T & P Committee (1) examines candidate portfolios for tenure and promotion and 5-year post tenure reviews, and (2) makes recommendations to the Dean regarding compliance with department and college evaluation plans.
The Committee is comprised of six tenured faculty members. Tenure and Promotion Committee members are elected by Woodring College of Education probationary and tenured faculty. At least one and no more than two members shall be from any one department.